Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pink Handled Trauma Shears

I absolutley love my hot pink trauma shears.. more than anything they make me feel "girly" in a job full of guys. Besides a pen this is the one thing I carry on me at all times.  They come in handy for many other things, my step dad asked me the other day for a pair to see if they would work cutting hay bail string... he did give me a funny look when I handed him a pink pair, though he will never loose them!!

Ok ok maybe its just an obsession of all things pink.. Any Fire or EMS gear that comes in pink, you better bet I will have it!

So anyways a little about myself... Im a brand freiken new medic. Ive been working since jan 2012.. less than 6 months.  Every day I learn something new, every day I challange myself and see what im made of. With that being said I am freiken nervous every time I go on a call... what new medic isnt? Im pretty happy to have a great support system of great EMT's and Medics who stand beside me and cheer me on through this all. I cant thank them enough.  I work in rural and city ambulance services. Both are very different, people who havent stepped on an ambulance in one or the other just dont get it. Rural- transport times can be up to two hours! sometimes its stressfull knowing that a hospital isnt close. You sit around for hours and hours, sometimes the whole shift without running a call.. but when shit hits the fan it hits it hard!  City- you dont have much time to really do anything before you get to the hospital, you run your ass off and really learn how you are as a medic. I love working rural EMS but with as new as I am I need more expierence. Im so excited to begin my career!!

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